Tuesday, December 10, 2013

University Housing The Pros and Cons

Hey everybody,

So if you didn't know this I am a Resident Assistant at my college. It's fun and yet challenging and trying and rewarding at the same time. And now that I am on the way out I feel I can now be completely honest with the positives and negatives of living on campus. But as a preface I love living on campus and I believe every student should experience it. It's a great way to make friends, become involved on campus, and just a great experience. (hey if I didn't love it why would I become an RA and live in it for my entire college career?)

So now the things I won't miss about being an RA/living on campus:
1. Trying to wash dishes in a very small sink. It's not fun. I always over guess the amount of soap and my room becomes a bubble party like in the Spongebob Squarepants movie :P

2. Having a 2 door bathroom . Sure sharing it with 2 other people isn't the worst thing in the world but having to constantly say I'm in here, getting busted in on when I'm taking a shower, and of course having to share my toilet paper when sometimes my suite mates neglect to replace it, it just gets annoying. The first thing I'm going to do when I have my 1 door apartment bathroom I'm taking the longest shower/bath ever!

3. Not having control over the A/C. So at my school the rooms either are on heat or air conditioning and all you can control is the amount that get's in. I can't wait to set a temperature :)

4. The loud noise that comes with recent high school grads who now think that not only are they invincible, but also are real adults now and can do whatever they want without consequences. That young adult rebellion is full of lots and lots of noise. So when I get to my own apartment it will be with slightly more mature people.

5. The dining hall. Not that it's bad, I just can't wait to cook for myself and be able to make my own menu and get to choose what I have.

6. Having a small room with no kitchen. Enough said there.

7. Not having a car. I miss my 2004 green ford escape (AKA Bulbasaur) soooo much!

8. Living where I work. Yes being an RA is awesome and I love it a lot, but sometimes you need a place in complete peace and unwind from work. And when you live where you work it's hard to completely unwind because your residents can knock on your door at any time.

9. Not being able to have alcohol in my room even though I'm 21. Not that I drink a lot just sometimes on really stressful day I want a nice yummy margarita or daiquiri but I don't want to leave my room. So can't wait for that.

10. Not having a pet. I miss my jellybeans. here's a pic of her and my red panda stuffed animal.
And now the things I will miss.

1. Not having to pay for utilities. I can take a 40min shower if I wanted and not have to worry about paying a bill. I can have all of my tech stuff on at the same time and not have to worry about paying a bill. And I can blast the A/C or Heat as much as I want without paying a bill. It's glorious.

2. Not having to pay for cable and having HBO and showtime and stars as part of my housing pay. SO AWESOME!!! Gonna miss it.

3. Having great neighbors who are there for each other. While I might get that in other places there probably won't be 50+ people on a floor always hanging out and helping each other out.

4. All of the programs. It's fun when there are a bunch of things going on like movie nights, snow cone nights, game nights. Now I'll have to make my own outings.

5. Getting a free room and food. Ah I will miss the perks of the RA job.

6. Having a front desk. A front desk provides extra safety as well as help. Hopefully my apartment building will have one.

7. Having my best friend in the same building. I'm going to miss you candice!

8. Making door decs for everyone on my floor. I really like making crafts and I'm going to miss door decs.

9. Having a Dining Hall. Yes I want to cook but on those days I am lazy a dining hall would sound amazing.

10. Having a rec center within walking distance with free yoga classes. Ah I will miss it.

So in conclusion. Housing is great but I am definitely looking forward to the future.


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