Friday, December 13, 2013

The Importance of Random Acts of Kindness and Paying it Forward.

In my opinion the most important/ rewarding thing you can do in your lifetime is always doing random acts of kindness and remembering to pay it forward. Some can call this creating good karma.

What brings this topic on you might ask. Well a few days ago I was at the Starbucks at the SIU student center and ordered my go to winter drink (grande gingerbread latte no molasses drizzle...ah soo good) when I realized I had forgotten my debit card and credit card in my room. As I struggled to find spare change the barista just told me she would pay for it and congratulated me on graduating. I am so thankful for her kindness that now that I have money I am going to go there and give her a very large tip because that was the nicest thing a barista has ever done for me.

Also that Starbucks has shown me kindness before. Once I went to order something and the person behind me paid for it just randomly. She told me that a few days ago she had someone pay for her order and she was paying it forward. The next day I paid for a very stressed out grad student's order who really looked like he could use some free coffee.

I believe it is always important to do random acts of kindness and pay good deeds forward because to be honest our world is in a horrible place right now and we need these acts of kindness so that the human race can become nicer, more neighborly like, and our faith in humanity needs to be restored. The good in humanity is out there, we just need to show it more.

A random act of kindness could be anything from paying for someone's coffee, to shoveling a neighbor's driveway, to making someone in need a meal, really it can be anything you want it to be. And if you are given a random act of kindness always treasure it in your heart and keep it alive in your mind. And remember to pay it forward. It doesn't have to be the same act afforded to you, you just have to do something good for a fellow person/animal or both.

A good movie to reference is Pay it Forward. You will cry a lot but it is definitely one of the best movies I have ever seen in my life. It is about a boy who comes up with the pay it forward model saying that if one person throughout their lifetime does three major good deeds, and I am talking big time good deeds, then if those three people also do 3 major good deeds throughout their lives. Then someday the world could become a nicer, kinder, more loving and compassionate world.

So do a good deed no matter how small, someone will appreciate it. Help make the world a better place to live in. And again always pay it forward :)


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Why I have a love hate relationship with technology.

I have a very love hate relationship with technology. It's never been just one or the other it has been both at the same time since I was 5 and playing my favorite scoobydoo computer game realized there was bonus material on another disc and accidentally deleted an important file which broke my dad's laptop. (He was soooo mad at me then but now he laughs about it)

So as I grew technology grew with me (perks of being a millennial) and my dysfunctional relationship with it aged. In High School I started using animation software/ video editing software. I can't tell you the amount of times I wanted to take a sledge hammer to the old adobe premiere in 2007. But I learned AVID from my boss Nick and to this day that is my go to software for editing. It's sooo great and I have no problems with it. I do know how to edit on FCP 7 which is ok, had some troubles. And don't get me started on how much I hate FCP 10. I worked on it a couple times, I was unable to save it to my drive, it wouldn't get the footage off of the tape and kept freezing and lagging and just blech. Then of course I learned Adobe Illustrator, PhotoShop, AfterEffects, the new Premiere (much better), InDesign, and Dreamweaver; and Maya animation software. Oh and Dragon Frame.

So I do love technology. I know a lot about it. And I couldn't live without it. (sad but true)

But I hate it soo much at the same time.
Especially cell phones. It's like you get a new one, and it's outdated in like a week. And if you don't get the latest one your cell phone will get buggy. Then there is Iphone that has version after version after version, which they mainly focus on the look of the phone other than function, and currently I'm mad at the Droid brand because my phone isn't even like 2 years old and it's breaking down, and I've gotten 3 replacements that all start failing again, but because Verizon has a policy that I need to return it 5 times before I get to choose a new phone...I think personally that's a little excessive. Because if I keep coming in with my phone not working giving me the same model isn't going to help much. Oh well 3 months till I can get a new one. Which phones are good? comment below! :)

Tablets give me migraines, hard drives get corrupted randomly, programs freeze and then somehow forgot that you saved and so when you open it it's back to square one. And then there is that freaking devilish rainbow spinning wheel of pure evil, telling you that your program is frozen. Yes mac it looks pretty but it doesn't make me any less angry that program is frozen.

Also I am pretty sure the machines are going to take over. Like seriously they are. It's like no one is getting the warnings from I-Robot and that one episode of Dr.Who where the cars with certain technology start attacking, which is the latest war plan from the sentarons. Oooh such a great episode! I miss Martha :( but anyway technology is in everything. And they are trying to make a sentient robot like the one from I-robot.....So my advice befriend your tech objects now so that when the revolution happens you at least can be considered an ally, or you know be enslaved instead of killed.

But all kidding aside, technology is taking over. Like when I go out somewhere and go with people we are all on our cellphones. People would rather text than call. And it's like we are all loosing our social skills. For example (I admit I'm guilty of this) when you see someone you don't want to talk to, don't know how to talk to, or just don't want human interaction you instantly open your phone and start pressing buttons just to avoid it.

So the reason I am posting this is because this semester I had to create my own website. Here it is if you want to take a look: 

Now you probably are thinking: why are there so many please works in that url? Well that was because I have spent the last week trying to upload it to a server that didn't work, tried 4 other sites before I found a reliable one, and even the reliable one I had some issues with. I was getting tired of it not working so I decided to maybe be nice and ask please to the url to work. (Actually I was just really really frustrated.) So I felt myswell rant about it.

Though I have loved this course. Like a lot. I now know html. It's pretty awesome what a few lines of code can do. For example:

Why are unicorns so amazing?

Space Ranger Enlistment

All that was done with a few lines of code. And to show I actually did it here are the lines of code:<form action="">
Why are unicorns so amazing?<br />
<textarea cols="20" name="comments" rows="4">Enter your comments here...</textarea>
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<legend>Space Ranger Enlistment</legend>
<label>Alien Race:<br />
<input name="alien race" type="text" /></label><br />
<label>Age:<br />
<input name="age" type="text" /></label><br />
<label>Your desired cool space ranger name:<br />
<input name="your desired cool space ranger name" type="text" /></label>
<br />
<label><br /></label>

Really take this course it's awesome.

Well I hope everyone has a good day and remember be nice to the machines, they might revolt at any minute :P


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

University Housing The Pros and Cons

Hey everybody,

So if you didn't know this I am a Resident Assistant at my college. It's fun and yet challenging and trying and rewarding at the same time. And now that I am on the way out I feel I can now be completely honest with the positives and negatives of living on campus. But as a preface I love living on campus and I believe every student should experience it. It's a great way to make friends, become involved on campus, and just a great experience. (hey if I didn't love it why would I become an RA and live in it for my entire college career?)

So now the things I won't miss about being an RA/living on campus:
1. Trying to wash dishes in a very small sink. It's not fun. I always over guess the amount of soap and my room becomes a bubble party like in the Spongebob Squarepants movie :P

2. Having a 2 door bathroom . Sure sharing it with 2 other people isn't the worst thing in the world but having to constantly say I'm in here, getting busted in on when I'm taking a shower, and of course having to share my toilet paper when sometimes my suite mates neglect to replace it, it just gets annoying. The first thing I'm going to do when I have my 1 door apartment bathroom I'm taking the longest shower/bath ever!

3. Not having control over the A/C. So at my school the rooms either are on heat or air conditioning and all you can control is the amount that get's in. I can't wait to set a temperature :)

4. The loud noise that comes with recent high school grads who now think that not only are they invincible, but also are real adults now and can do whatever they want without consequences. That young adult rebellion is full of lots and lots of noise. So when I get to my own apartment it will be with slightly more mature people.

5. The dining hall. Not that it's bad, I just can't wait to cook for myself and be able to make my own menu and get to choose what I have.

6. Having a small room with no kitchen. Enough said there.

7. Not having a car. I miss my 2004 green ford escape (AKA Bulbasaur) soooo much!

8. Living where I work. Yes being an RA is awesome and I love it a lot, but sometimes you need a place in complete peace and unwind from work. And when you live where you work it's hard to completely unwind because your residents can knock on your door at any time.

9. Not being able to have alcohol in my room even though I'm 21. Not that I drink a lot just sometimes on really stressful day I want a nice yummy margarita or daiquiri but I don't want to leave my room. So can't wait for that.

10. Not having a pet. I miss my jellybeans. here's a pic of her and my red panda stuffed animal.
And now the things I will miss.

1. Not having to pay for utilities. I can take a 40min shower if I wanted and not have to worry about paying a bill. I can have all of my tech stuff on at the same time and not have to worry about paying a bill. And I can blast the A/C or Heat as much as I want without paying a bill. It's glorious.

2. Not having to pay for cable and having HBO and showtime and stars as part of my housing pay. SO AWESOME!!! Gonna miss it.

3. Having great neighbors who are there for each other. While I might get that in other places there probably won't be 50+ people on a floor always hanging out and helping each other out.

4. All of the programs. It's fun when there are a bunch of things going on like movie nights, snow cone nights, game nights. Now I'll have to make my own outings.

5. Getting a free room and food. Ah I will miss the perks of the RA job.

6. Having a front desk. A front desk provides extra safety as well as help. Hopefully my apartment building will have one.

7. Having my best friend in the same building. I'm going to miss you candice!

8. Making door decs for everyone on my floor. I really like making crafts and I'm going to miss door decs.

9. Having a Dining Hall. Yes I want to cook but on those days I am lazy a dining hall would sound amazing.

10. Having a rec center within walking distance with free yoga classes. Ah I will miss it.

So in conclusion. Housing is great but I am definitely looking forward to the future.


Monday, December 9, 2013

Someday I will get a job....Someday

So I am graduating in 5 days and so far job prospects look promising and yet weak at the same time. I believe I am on the right track. I have experience and am a really hard worker, so I shouldn't worry right? If only life was a fairytale and I had a fairy jobmother who would appear in a lovely professional pantsuit wielding a magical clipboard, wearing dainty glasses with a chain on them, and of course firmly clinging to a coffee cup. She would find me multiple jobs and I could have my pick of whichever one I wanted. But sadly reality doesn't come with a fairy jobmother.

Though I think I might now make a television series about such a women/man. Make it a comedy maybe? Post your comments if I should explore this more :)

It is rather hard entering the job market when while it seems the last 10 years have been a bad economy and a bad job market, I remain hopeful and optimistic. Just like Ugly Betty and Tracey Turnblad and Rapunzel (Tangled version) I have a dream and feel in my gut I am meant for great things.

Also, interesting fact about me/ my mom and brother, when I was 9 my mom got her fortune told by an old fortune teller wearing a greenish blue dress and her greying red hair in a short hairdo at a local bar in Villa Park. When my mom came back to the table she stated that the fortune teller told her that my brother would become a rich architect and stay in the area most of his life. The fortune teller also said that I would be living far away from home but be rich, famous, and do great things with my life. Weird huh? And while I know fortune telling isn't all true and not all false, I still can dream that it will come true.

But I know the key to getting your dream job is to start at the bottom, always do your best, never stop learning, keep creating and perfecting your skill set, never be late, and most importantly never give up. Like Tiana in The Princess in The Frog did.

So one day I will have my happily ever after. I mean I already have my prince charming (Though I would say he was more of a nerdy han solo).

Wish me luck world! :)

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Other Life Lessons I have learned

This year has been a year of reflection and contemplation about my life and all of the people who have shaped my life. They each gave me life lessons that I have held onto dearly and that I will never forget. I would like to share these words of wisdom with my followers :)

1. Always do your best- Tom Head/ Joyce Head

2. Never give up on your dreams-Tom Head/Dawn Head/Joyce Head/Dotty Weir/Tom Weir

3. Always trust your gut-Dawn Head

4. Don't let your disabilities control your life- Tom Head

5. Always be kind and friendly, but remember not everyone's your friend and not everyone will like you-Dawn Head

6. Momma didn't raise no divas- Dawn Head

7. Momma didn't raise no quitters- Dawn Head

8. It is better to light a candle than to curse in the dark- Tom Head

9. Love yourself than the changes you want in life will come- John Pilot

10. Never loose who you are- Ciera Watts

11. You are the only thing standing between you and your dreams- Dawn Head

12. Always be creative, never give up, and try to make programs with educational value and less commercials- Joyce Head

13. Always remember to think of how your decisions/ actions affect other people, and always care about other people- Tom and Dawn Head

14. Treat people as you want to be treated and never judge a book by it's cover.

15. It's ok not to be thankful sometimes- P.R.

16. Worrying is like running on a tread mill, it takes you no where- P.R.

17. Always look for the good in people- Dawn Head

18. Always find a silver lining in every bad situation- Dawn Head

19. Never loose your inner child- Tom Head

20. Everything in life is just water up a duck's a**- Tom Weir

21. People change, times change, but family + tattoos are forever-Mona Pirie

22. Family is what you make it- Brynna Roche, Candice Burney, Ben Unfried

23. Be Spunky and Live Life- Dotty Weir/Joyce Head

24. Never stop learning- Joyce Head

25- Everything can be fixed with a venti latte from Starbucks and a hug- Dotty Weir

26-The best way to comfort people is just being with them- P.R./ Danny Head

27. Never stop creating/writing, keep working and perfecting your craft, find your inner voice, and always have your inner Director on call when you need it- H.D.

28. I will always have the longest nickname in the world- Tom Head (his nickname for me is Rachelrachelbobachelfannafannafofatchelfefifotatchelrachel, dad's are funny like that :P)

29. Siblings make the bestest of friends-Danny Head

30. Try new things, even if you are scared of them-Peter Kurasz IV

31. Always have many "hats" in the professional world- Nick Mirage

32. If you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love someone else?- RuPaul

33. Remember the past, but don't dwell in it; cherish the present, but don't get swept up by it; plan for the future, but don't worry about it.

Just some words of wisdom that have shaped me :)

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Reflection of College/Advice for incoming students/high school students

Hey followers!

So I am about to graduate in a week now and I thought I would write a post about my time at college, my advice for soon to be college freshman, and recognizing the people who made my time here amazing.

When I came to SIU as a new freshman in fall 2010 I was scared. Really scared. I remember my mom and brother hugging me goodbye and my mom holding in her tears as my dad and I ventured down to Carbondale. Not going to lie I cried for about 3 hours on the way down, my dad constantly reassuring me that everything will be fine. The main reason I was scared was that I knew absolutely no one who was going to SIU. I had no friends, no family, and was 6 hours away from home. It was scary. But I instantly felt better when I got there and a group of smiling faces greeted me and made me feel welcome (later I became one of those smiling faces) I then met my roommate Javanna who was very nice, friendly, and made me feel a lot better about going to college. I can honestly say she was the best roommate I had ever have and to this day I still miss our conversations and watching top model. If you are reading this Javanna you are really nice and an amazing person! :)
The other thing that made me feel great about SIU was that I made sooo many friends those first couple of nights and most of them were in my classes.

Here I should have really listened to my Grandma Head's advice with "don't become best friends with everyone Rachel, I know you will want to and I know you think everyone in the world is nice and honest but in college everybody wants to be everybody's friend and you'll get hurt if you make friends with the wrong people." I really should have listened to her. While most of the friends I made my freshman year are still great people who say hi to me, to be honest during my down time sophomore year when I had a crazy roommate who terrorized me everyday, none of those friends stood up for me, helped me, or anything. Fall 2011 was the worst semester of my college career.

But back to freshman year. Let's talk about love. Throughout most of highschool I was dating a boy by the name of Brendan. He started out being a really nice sweet guy and then turned into a jerk. I wanted to breakup with him over the summer because I felt it wasn't going to work out but he convinced me to still try....God I was stupid. He ended up breaking up with me a month after I started college. And instead of breaking up with me in person he did it over the phone the weekend after I came up to visit because he wanted me to go to the dance with him. So first piece of advice END YOUR HIGH SCHOOL RELATIONSHIP BEFORE GOING TO COLLEGE!!! I still have yet to see one work out. I have been here 4 years and had to help a lot of my residents get over broken hearts, so seriously just do it. I know you love them and want to make it work but it won't it never works. I think it's because high school love is puppy love, real and yet not real at the same time.

But then  after my breakup one of my friends from highschool Peter KuraszIV helped put me back together, and we started dating, and fell in love. I love you Peter!!! Even though he lives back home and I go to SIU we still love eachother very much and the distance hasn't hurt anything in our relationship. I am crazy about my man and I hope to be with him forever because while in my other relationships I complained/saw negative things about them with Peter I don't really see anything that does, sure the flaws might be there, but I don't notice them because he's my best friend and I love him.

Okay enough about my mooshy gooshy love life. (I love you Peter!!! :) )
So sophomore year was horrible up until I got the RA job. Though it did get better when I found out my friend Jason was there and we hung out like all the time. I miss you Jason! Jason really made me feel better about the crazy roommate and we had great times hanging out together. Also I met my older brother Ben and we also hung out all the time and we still hang out all the time. But so I became a RA and I loved it/still love it. I made a lot of friends, had great floor partners (shanti, bryan, and paul) made friends with my now sister Candice!!! I love you!! And I learned a lot of valuable lessons which I will list in the advice part of this post.

Throughout college I also had a lot of great mentors. I would like to take this paragraph to thank them for all they have done for me: H.D. you have always been my favorite professor at SIU. You helped me learn a lot of things throughout college and have helped me to become a better writer. I will definitely stay in contact with you and I really appreciate all that you have done for me. Ryan you have always been an amazing boss. You helped shape me from a scared sophomore to the now leader that I am today. You are a great boss. Lauren, you are my new mentor and have helped me so much in this semester to help me find a new passion which is makeup design and I really appreciate everything you have taught me this semester you are a great instructor and a great makeup/costume designer.

And now here is my advice to incoming freshman.

1. As my grandma said "Don't become best friends with everybody" still be nice to everybody but really be selective in your friends.

2. SLEEP!!! I know a lot of freshman/sophomores do not like to sleep. Sleep is important and without it you can't function. So sleep. Also naps are amazing as any Junior or Senior will tell you.

3. Go to class! If you miss class it's like $100 down the drain. You are now paying to go to college, so go. Also most professors take attendance. And while some missed days are ok (trust me you need those mental break days) don't miss every class. Also don't miss your first day of class. So basically go to class.

4. Take care of yourself. Stay healthy. Your parents aren't here to help you to remain healthy so you have to take the initiative yourself. Go to the doctor when you are sick, eat well, again sleep, workout, etc.

5. Study. It's the best way to stay in school and get good grades. I have seen so many freshman who never study and they fail out and have to go home.

6. College is a gift, not a right. I do believe that everyone should obtain at least a bachelor's but it's definitely a gift and not a right. Just because you got in it doesn't mean you stay in. You have to go to class, behave, treat people with respect, follow the rules, and do homework. You want that degree you have to earn it first.

7. END YOUR HIGH SCHOOL RELATIONSHIP BEFORE YOU GO TO COLLEGE!! just do it. It will be hard but it will save you from a lot of heartbreak later on. Also do NOT go to the same college as your high school sweetheart. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't, mostly it doesn't. And then you end up regretting coming to that school. Choose a school you like and not because your gf/bf are there.

8. Don't be afraid to try new things. This was a hard one for me to conquer. But most of the risks I have taken at SIU have been great. For instance I now love thai food.

9. It's ok if you are alone. You don't always have to be surrounded by people. Sometimes your schedules won't sync with other people and sometimes you don't make friends in classes. It is ok if you are alone. And no one will think less of you if you are.

10. Listen to the advice you are given by different people. It will help you in the long run. And you don't necessarily have to follow by it but at least listen to it.

11. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PARTY IN COLLEGE!! Sure all of the movies/tv shows/ magazines/ everything says you can't have a full experience without partying, but as a college senior I am telling you, you do not have to party in college to have fun/meet people. My freshman year I thought I had to go to parties to have fun/meet people. And I had a horrible time at them. At every party I went to there were far too many people, it was soo loud I couldn't hear my own thoughts, and at everyone I would get at least 3 drinks spilled on me. It wasn't fun. There are so many alternatives to partying, do that instead.

12. Call your parents, they love you.

13. Financial Aid is confusing, it will never not be confusing but always remember to do it on time.

14. Your professors are the most helpful people on campus (other than your RAs) they will become your mentors and help you become better at whatever field you choose.

15. Go to your professors office hours. It is a tool most students don't tap into but if you need help seriously go to them.

16. Unlike high school your classes won't have a lot of grades throughout a semester. So don't miss a test ever and do your homework.

17. If you find a good roommate KEEP THEM! sure you might not be the closest of friends but roommates are 50/50 if they are going to be good or not, so if you find one that is a good roommate keep them.

18. Have fun, but not too much fun. Go be social, make friends, etc. Just don't have TOO much fun.

19. Become an RA if you have the chance. It is a rewarding position and you learn a lot. Plus you get free room and free food.

20. Get involved on campus. There is soo much stuff for you to do, so go do it. College would be boring if you just sat in your room all the time.

21. Listen to your RAs and don't give them attitude. An RA can be a reliable resource on campus and help you with anything you need help with and be a great friend. Basically don't bite the hand that feeds you.

22. Stop living in the past and look towards the future. Stop thinking that college/high school will be the only best times of your life. Life is great.

23. Clean your room. Your mom isn't there to tell you to clean your room, and you live with a lot of people. Odors travel, messes attract bugs and mice, seriously keep it clean.

24. Keep it Classy and Cute. Present yourself in the way you want to be presented. In college you can change parts of yourself you don't like. No one generally in college sees you as your past self, but your future self.

and finally

25. College is what you make it. You are the key factor on if your time at college is good or not. You could get good grades, join a lot of clubs, become a leader, work on campus, meet true friends, and get involved, or you could just party, blow off classes, and drink a lot. Or you could do a healthy mix of both if you want. But just remember you make your own college experience and no one else makes it for you.

I had a great time at SIU and will miss it dearly. But I do look forward to the future.

Thanks for reading I know this was a long one :P


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Yay first post!

Hello anyone who is out there reading my blog. You are awesome!

So you probably want to know who is Rachel? Why does she have many adventures? and why should I continue reading this random blog?

Well first off I am Rachel, hello there nice to meet you. I am a soon to be Graduate of Southern Illinois University with a B.A. in Mass Communication and Media Arts with an emphasis in Television/Digital Media Production and a minor in Creative Fiction Writing.(9 days!!) I also have taken a makeup design class which has recently become a new passion of mine. I am a very creative, ambitious, kind, outgoing, hard-working, empathetic, person. I am a definite fan girl whose loves are: Dr. Who, Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit, Sherlock, The Hunger Games, Harry Potter (hufflepuff), The Muppets, Anime, Game of Thrones, Pretty Little Liars, Revenge, Scandal, Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulu, World of Darkness, The Last of Us, Kingdom Hearts, Silent Hill, Charmed, Thor, Loki, Batman, Deadpool, all of the Studio Ghibli films, lots of different books, and finally pandas and red pandas. My favorite TV show of all time is Charmed, My favorite movie of all time is Moulin Rouge, My favorite Disney Movie is Lilo and Stitch, my favorite Pixar movie is Monsters Inc./ Monsters U, my favorite Dreamworks movie is KungFu Panda/KungFu panda 2. Basically I like a lot of things and tend to geek out a lot. I also am in DESPERATE need of a job. So if you have any contacts in the media world please tell me.

Second I don't really have many adventures, in fact this summer the longest adventure I had (other than my internship) was to Starbucks and back. (Yes I love Starbucks although Seattle's Best is better but in Chicago those are very hard to find. RIP Borders :( ) But in my imagination I have tons of adventures, and in the things I write I have tons of adventures. Plus I was just trying to figure out a title for my blog and hey it sounds pretty cool right? Plus hopefully someday I will have many adventures in following my dreams. Which are creating, writing, and producing my own TV shows. So hey for all I/you know this could be the blog of a future celebrity. Sigh, probably not but you never know.

And Finally why should you continue to read my blog? I don't know to tell you the truth. I mean I think I'm pretty funny and entertaining, (at least thats what my friends and family say). I might become famous one day, I might have a pretty good story to tell. So far I have a somewhat interesting story/opinions that are entertaining. So if you want to read a story about a young woman and her journey to follow her dreams and laugh along the way then keep reading! :) I would like that very much actually.

So sit back relax and enjoy the Many Adventures of Rachel Head :3

Also here's me ->