Sunday, December 8, 2013

Other Life Lessons I have learned

This year has been a year of reflection and contemplation about my life and all of the people who have shaped my life. They each gave me life lessons that I have held onto dearly and that I will never forget. I would like to share these words of wisdom with my followers :)

1. Always do your best- Tom Head/ Joyce Head

2. Never give up on your dreams-Tom Head/Dawn Head/Joyce Head/Dotty Weir/Tom Weir

3. Always trust your gut-Dawn Head

4. Don't let your disabilities control your life- Tom Head

5. Always be kind and friendly, but remember not everyone's your friend and not everyone will like you-Dawn Head

6. Momma didn't raise no divas- Dawn Head

7. Momma didn't raise no quitters- Dawn Head

8. It is better to light a candle than to curse in the dark- Tom Head

9. Love yourself than the changes you want in life will come- John Pilot

10. Never loose who you are- Ciera Watts

11. You are the only thing standing between you and your dreams- Dawn Head

12. Always be creative, never give up, and try to make programs with educational value and less commercials- Joyce Head

13. Always remember to think of how your decisions/ actions affect other people, and always care about other people- Tom and Dawn Head

14. Treat people as you want to be treated and never judge a book by it's cover.

15. It's ok not to be thankful sometimes- P.R.

16. Worrying is like running on a tread mill, it takes you no where- P.R.

17. Always look for the good in people- Dawn Head

18. Always find a silver lining in every bad situation- Dawn Head

19. Never loose your inner child- Tom Head

20. Everything in life is just water up a duck's a**- Tom Weir

21. People change, times change, but family + tattoos are forever-Mona Pirie

22. Family is what you make it- Brynna Roche, Candice Burney, Ben Unfried

23. Be Spunky and Live Life- Dotty Weir/Joyce Head

24. Never stop learning- Joyce Head

25- Everything can be fixed with a venti latte from Starbucks and a hug- Dotty Weir

26-The best way to comfort people is just being with them- P.R./ Danny Head

27. Never stop creating/writing, keep working and perfecting your craft, find your inner voice, and always have your inner Director on call when you need it- H.D.

28. I will always have the longest nickname in the world- Tom Head (his nickname for me is Rachelrachelbobachelfannafannafofatchelfefifotatchelrachel, dad's are funny like that :P)

29. Siblings make the bestest of friends-Danny Head

30. Try new things, even if you are scared of them-Peter Kurasz IV

31. Always have many "hats" in the professional world- Nick Mirage

32. If you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love someone else?- RuPaul

33. Remember the past, but don't dwell in it; cherish the present, but don't get swept up by it; plan for the future, but don't worry about it.

Just some words of wisdom that have shaped me :)

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